Master Course









色に関する主立った研究の果てにゲーテが提示したのは、現在なら「色彩心理学」と呼べるようなテーマです。それを扱った章のタイトルは、「die sinnlich-sittliche Wirkung der Farben」と言います。他の言語に置き換えるのは大変難しいのですが、「色彩の与える肉体的魂的な作用」というような意味合いです。



生理的色彩(Pysiologische Farben V/ Farbige Bilder)』と題する章で、ゲーテの説明どおりに実験すれば、その作用を意識化することもできます。












The purpose of this Master course will be to observe how the idea of a color circle appears in Goethe's color theory and how it progresses (metamorphoses) in Steiner's recommendations to painters and last but not least how it transforms to our Color Knot.

Goethe was already more as 60 years old as he finished his different works on color theory. In 1810, in this same year, the book "Color sphere" (Farbenkugel) from Philip Otto Runge has been published in Germany. It is not a simple coincidence because both authors were friends and researchers on colors. But Goethe's attitude and method of color studies is unique in the scientific world and very special.

Goethe introduces that what we would call today a "psychology of the colors" at the end of his main work on colors. The chapter is called "die sinnlich-sittliche Wirkung der Farben". That is difficult to be translated in other languages but it means about " the physical and soul influence of the colors". 

Then he emphasis his will to see every domain of knowledge as a totality and therefore he reflects on the phenomena of after images. This is a well-known matter by painters, the physiological fact, that your eye while observing a color produces the complementary one. This complementary color or image can be projected in the outside and observed by using a grey medium. If the "image" is an orange the projected "after image" will be blue and so forth. This production is mostly unconscious in our daily life but it can be made conscious in an experimental way as described in Goethe's chapter "physiological colors" (Pysiologische Farben V/ Farbige Bilder)

This was the historical start point for Steiner and his followers, who tried more and more to reconnect colors with the practice of painting.

Goethe's color circle is formed by the low of polarity and complementarity: on one side 2 light colors: Orange-Red and Yellow on the other 2 dark colors: Blue and Violet. (fig.1--> book). It also contains the low of "increment" (Steigerung) that describes the qualities of purpur and green. The first being the ideal increment, the second the real increment. It is a kind of Résumé of his vision of the light creating colors in opposition or collaboration with the darkness. The anecdote of his conversation with Schopenhauer gives a clear witness of Goethe's conception.

The philosopher Schopenhauer, a contemporary, was a supporter of the Color Theory and met once Goethe in Weimar. But the meeting turned to a dispute as Schopenhauer closed his report with the statement: "light wouldn’t exist, if we wouldn’t see it." With his big Jupiter eyes Goethe would have looked up to him and said: "No, YOU wouldn’t exist, if the light wouldn’t see you."

Goethe seriously convinced that light creates our eye as an instrument of Vision, able to receive light and color phenomena. Similar to the optician who makes a camera to imitate the function of building and fixing images.

In my book: "The Light as Creator of Forms" I tried to follow exactly the Goethean conception. Focusing on the phenomenon of the rainbow I could offer an understanding of the eye created BY the light and being therefore able to receive or perceive light phenomena. I describe how the rainbow reveals a geometry which is also realized in the eyeball as well as in other parts of the body. I explain further on, why the iris can be considered as a physical realization of the rainbow colors. (Daniel Moreau “The Light as Creator of Forms”)


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