![画像の説明 画像の説明](swfu/d/auto_2XWB2r.jpg)
Daniel Moreau
That was in Germany, where I lived from1968 to 2005, that I began to think about the colors, which are living in my paintings. My first research has been of course Goethe, because he represents the German way of science related to the matter. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophic researches, had worked long time on Goethe's scientific works, charged to comment them for a new edition. His voice was a clear advice: train the goetheanic method, if you want to understand colors in artistic creations. On this trace Steiner developed all his suggestions while delivering 12 lectures on colors.
In the beginning of the years 1980-1990 I became a Galerist and Bookshop owner in the south of Germany. There I organized seminars on color theory, inviting famous representatives of the matter for this purpose. It was first Prof. Bodo Hamprecht, who was a teacher on physics at a Berlin University. Then Gerhard Ott, who edited and commented "Goethes Farbenlehre" (Goethe's Color Theory) in the “Verlag Freies Geistesleben” in Stuttgart.
A new development of these activities has been possible as I decided 2005 to come and to live in Japan. In the meantime I wrote a first book, that treat the colors in relations to black and white in Art. That book "Das Licht als Schöpfer der Gestalt" has been translated in Japanese. Its English title could be "light as the creator of shape". A second book followed, which is a kind of documentation for the seminars that has been given in my German life. "Bild – Farbe - Licht" (Image, color, light) is specially treating the problem appearing by Steiner who introduced black and white into the color circle. Bild Farbe Licht has been sailed by myself in a simple reproduction technique (copy print).
In Japan, where a moved in the year2005,twopersonalities contributed to further developments of my Color theory studies. It was Yoriko Miyagawa, who organized many of my seminars on Goethe color theory, on Steiner “painting advice” and last but not least on the color knot, the very topic that is offered in this “Color Meditation School”. She also published the Japanese translation of my first book. The other helping Personality was Hiromi Hajikano, who translated many of my seminars and many of my texts. I am looking back and forward very thankfully for all their efforts in the past and for the present initiative of the “Colour Meditation School”, that hopes to reach and to appeal to a more large public.
The way of approaching the matter will be now a more practical and meditative one. But related to thequestions appearing in this school for the next future, different courses and seminars could be “born”, where ever they are needed.